Friday, October 24, 2008

Through the windshield

I've seen some remarkable things this week on my way home from work. I'll start with Wednesday because today's story is way more fun.

I was traveling a different route so I could avoid the traffic on the highway. I took route 302 which goes through some more rural areas of CT. Passing by a corn field which looked a bit wilted due to the recent frosts, I noticed something up in the corner. There was a scarecrow there, but about 30 feet from that was an american flag on a pole only about 3 feet above the corn horizon. The flag and pole looked hunched over and wilted like the corn. I thought this was a great metaphor for the country. So much so that I wondered if the farmer had posted this as a sort of corn-art installation.

OK, today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wait for it.......wait for it!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I saw something I've NEVER seen before, ever!
I saw a hot air balloon flying over the highway!!!!! It was red, burgundy and blue! It was so close I could even make out the shape of the basket. It made me very aware of the other cars surrounding mine because with something SO cool over the road, I figured at least someone would rear-end another. But nope, we all made it home safe! Sorry for all the drama, but this was really great. What a bright spot to a cold week. hooowaaaaaaaaah and whoop whoop. :)

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