Sunday, September 20, 2009


God? Why did you fuck me? I mean, why am I so fucked? Stop sending me these signals! I'm not talking to you anymore. Fuck over someone else. I'm a good person! Huh? What? Can't hear you. Fuck it all- but I'm not like that. Fuck you internet...sorry, didn't mean that...I couldn't live with out you. Wait! Yes I could. Stop sending me in circles, God! God, Fuck! Wow, language. You know, god? This is ridiculous. Just make it so I am not fucked. Make it so no one is. You can do that right? You can do anything. Stop the bad fucking and only allow the good fucking. Let everyone be fucked the good way. Some people really need that. I do. Are you writing this down god? Do you need to borrow a pen? What the fuck is wrong with me? fuck.

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