I am in the middle of a painting session (right now) but I remembered why I stopped showing! It's been at least 4 years since my last art show. (I tried to get a spot in a gallery in January for an installation and was rejected, but that doesn't count, cause that was different) Anyway! I was into all of this cool stuff, like textile portraits and painted quilts...and I was getting great feedback on my work. And I was actually involved in the arts community (well, the New Haven arts community) and I thought, "now that people are looking...and I'm a 'real' artist, I should make a statement."
Well, it's four years later and I have made a whole lotta art since then, but not a show. I should have known better than to question my creative drive, but I didn't. Life lessons sometimes suck. But I have done many other cool things in the meantime. But, I think I'm back! I have just been painting for 5 hours, though, so this 'high on art' speak may just be that....

Great photos. I was convinced from the moment I saw this blog. You might have been diverted for a time, but in all likelihood your talent was simply developing according to its own needs. Life — what a concept.
That's really interesting. What gave it away?
I don’t know. Urgency? Spontaneity? Originality? Integrity? The sense that you’re also an observer, observing yourself as you observe?
You're so insightful, I truly appreciate your comments. Thanks for being so real. :)
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