Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Poetic Astrology? Sure!

Three of the horoscopes in the weekly Free Will Astrology newsletter contain references to poetry.  If your sign is not included and you wish to see it, go here.  How fun :)   Rob Brezsny's book Pronoia has just been released in a revised and expanded edition.  It's chock full of greatness.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): "Tenderness and rot / share a border," writes
the U.S. Poet Laureate Kay Ryan in one of her poems. "And rot is an /
aggressive neighbor / whose iridescence / keeps creeping over." Your job
in the coming week, Pisces, is to reinforce that border -- with a triple-
thick wall, if necessary -- so that the rot cannot possibly ooze over and
infect tenderness. It is especially important right now that the sweet,
deep intimacy you dole out and stimulate will not get corrupted by
falseness or sentimentality. I urge you to stir up the smartest affection
you have ever created.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): The poet Stephen Mallarmé wrote the
following in a letter to a friend: "I don't know which of my internal
climates I should explore in order to find you and meet you." I love that
passage. It alludes to one of the central facts about the nature of reality:
The quality of your consciousness is crucial in determining whether you'll
be able to attract the resources that are essential to your dreams coming
true. In order to get what you want, you have to work on yourself at least
as hard as you work on the world around you. This is always true, of 
course, but it's especially true for you now, Aries.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): One of the best modern Turkish poets was
Seyfettin Bascillar, who worked as a meat inspector in New Jersey for
many years before his death in 2002. Nobel Prize-winning poet Czes_aw
Mi_osz lived in Berkeley, California for over four decades while writing his
books in Polish, his native tongue. Iceland's great poet of the 20th
century, Stephan G. Stephansson, lived in Canada most of his life but
always wrote in Icelandic. These people remind me of what you're going
through: striving to do what comes natural and authentic in a situation
very different from the place where you first learned to be natural and
authentic. The interesting fact of the matter is that this feeling of
displacement could very well be key to your success.

Contents of the Free Will Astrology Newsletter are Copyright
2009 Rob Brezsny

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