Wednesday, January 5, 2011

To a new year

I truly love the energy this time of year. We get a break to rest. We can muster up the mental energy we will need for a running start once the energy picks up again. I'm finding the personal space I need without the nagging feeling that I'm procrastinating. Ideas form above our heads before coming into our bodies. They have their own time frame that cannot be rushed. Let these form fully before extracting them from the collective. I'm not usually the type of person that can allow this to happen successfully. Most often I attempt at pulling them down before they mature. The peace of early January is making this process much easier. Don't rush, don't feel that ever present obligation to perform. Remember to be mindful. It's a great time to clean your space and prepare for the year with a fresh state of mind and matter. Take it easy now because this year is filled with fire.

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