Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 21st

There is a taste in my mouth of toasted marshmallows. (lighter falls to the ground) Blue opaque Bic and green transparent Ace sit side by side over American Spirit pack, red organic. Mini Fred plant in a hand-painted flower pot with base. Great kids she has. A funnel is swirling in my head, leading to god knows where, up to the stars where some scenario is playing out that I can't see. Today is/was my anniversary, the longest day of the year, the summer solstice, the day of jellyfish and horseshoe crabs. Both ancient creatures I am fond of, though not equally. "Oh, so you are telling me not to pick them up by the tails." Well, yes, but they aren't actually tails. Wow, I miss the beach. So many drawings of outer space lately. And I am alone. Lonely. But that doesn't mean I wasn't before. Just wine and smoke. Organic smoke, ha.

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