Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My third day straight of watching Serendipity

ever a
moment for concession

to sunlight should
arise... let

be the
first to know.

I'm hooked.  John Cusack is awesome, although I didn't really like High Fidelity. I always want to call it 'Mix Tape' but I know that's not the right name.  Better Off Dead... was an amazing movie and the best quote is from the kid on the bike, "two dollars!!!"  Haha.  Sixteen Candles is another staple he was in.  I'm a Hughes addict plus Molly Ringwold is genius. 

It's snowing all around Connecticut right now so I hope everyone is driving safely.  I've heard that the NYCIP Small Press Book Fair is being held in March 2010 instead of this month (which is when it usually happens) so just a heads up for all you living in the tri-state area.  March!!  Woohoo.  Also, Sephyrus Press is still taking submissions for the Afterlife Anthology.  It's really coming together but there is still time to submit.  Happy Holidays :)

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